Welcome to Building Brothers
For over a decade Building Brothers has provided exceptional permit expediting, violation removal and city record research services thoughout the five boroughs of NYC. We prepare, file and approve Dept of Buildings work permit applications for all job types, including: New Building, Alteration Type 1, Alteration Type 2, Alteration Type 3, Demollition & Sign. We obtain general construction work permits, boiler permits, fire alarm permits, fire suppression permits, demolition permits, sign permits, awning permits, marquee permits, plumbing permits, mechanical permits and sprinkler permits for our many customers. We have also helped our customers to obtain TCOs (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy) and renew TCOs as well as obtain final CofOs (Certificate of Occupancy). Often the process involves the coordination of many Dept of Buildings inspections as well as a requirement to sign-off open permit applications. We have a proven track record of successfully obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy even when many permit applications were not previously signed off and many DOB violations and ECB violations needed to be removed.
Our DOB violation removal & ECB violation removal services include violation retrieval, scheduling inspections & submitting Certificates of Correction. We provide ECB court representation for new violations, as well as services to vacate a default violation. We can also reschedule an ECB court appearance for a later date. Violations that are administered by ECB court include: Dept of Buildings violations, FDNY violations, Dept of Transportation violations, sidewalk violations, HPD violations, Landmarks violations, Sanitation violations, DEC violations and DEP violations. We have a proven track record of obtaining dismissals for violations and also correcting cited conditions to resolve the violations.
We specialize in guiding our clients through the complexities of municipal compliance involved in all types of building construction, development and management. For building management companies / property management companies, we handle the tasks of new permit filings, permit application signoff (letter of completion), violation removal and Local Law 11/98 Facade Report submission. Often a managment company will need to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy in order to facilitate the refinance or sale of a building. Our process inlcudes the formulation of an action plan to address all open issues building-wide in order to achieve or maintain a clean property record.
Our ability to navigate the construction process can save architects, contractors, building owners and building management companies countless precious hours making sure that projects run smoothly and efficiently. Our top priority is always customer satisfaction. We view each project as an opportunity to form a lasting business relationship and our reputation speaks for itself. We invite you to contact us and experience a higher standard.
Our Team
Building Brothers Inc. was created in 2004 by Sam Pruyn & Matthew Calvo. Since its inception, BBI’s mission has been to provide superior service at affordable prices. We are committed to minimizing the burden of municipal requirements in building construction, development and maintenance.
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We take pride in our reputation as a full service expediting company with over a decade of experience in all project types. We offer a wide range of services to our clients including access to our network of licensed professionals which can provide an excellent resource pool to accomplish your project goals.
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Building Brothers has been selected for the 2014 Best of Sunnyside Award in the Miscellaneous Builders & Contractors category by the Sunnyside Award Program. Each year, the Sunnyside Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community.
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Sam Pruyn, partner and cofounder of Building Brothers, talks with Habitat Magazine about Directive 14:
You're combining two apartments, something hundreds if not thousands of co-op and condo owners have done. The board gave its initial go-ahead, approved your architect's plans, signed off on your contractor being duly licensed and insured, and said OK to your construction schedule. Work went as planned, and now your board says you need to have a Department of Buildings inspector come in to revise the now-combined apartment's Certificate of Occupancy.
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Sam Pruyn,partner and cofounder of Building Brothers, talks with The Real Deal Magazine about the expediting industry in NYC:
Let’s start with the old saw "time equals money." The lesson of 2007 has been that time equals more and more money.
That’s due to the rising cost of construction. According to the Turner Building Cost Index, costs in the second quarter of 2007 jumped 7.6 percent over the second quarter of 2006.
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