
The Landmark Commission requires that owners, tenants, contractors, building managers and property managers must obtain a permit from the Commission before doing any work on a building that will affect the exterior or that will require a permit from the DOB. It also requires that owners must maintain a landmarked property in “good repair”. It is important to consult the Landmarks Commission before doing any work on a Landmarked Building.

The Commission is authorized to issue ‘stop work orders’ when it discovers work ‘in progress’ without authorization. Violations of a stop work order can result in a fine of up to $500 per day. If you own a landmark building or manage one and are looking to do work on it please consult Building Brothers beforehand and we can assist with the expediting of permits that will allow this work to progress.

For any information required for a property contact us at 347.448.8070  below for more information.
